
Titled Trains 4mm 1/76
Offering excellent quality at a very affordable price.
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During the summer months of the 1950s and early 1960s, British Railways ran many special excursion trains. These would take holidaymakers and day trippers to popular seaside or scenic destinations. These trains ran to and from cities and towns around the country as well as many northern mining and mill town communities in West Yorkshire, Lancashire and Derbyshire. Additional trains were timetabled to meet the peak demands during the "Wakes Weeks" holidays.
Some of these trains did carry special destination boards but with modellers’ licence you can have as many as you want. These boards are a scale eleven feet in length and are designed for fitting to Mark 1 carriages.

Rail Tour Specials
During the 1950s and 60s, the Stephenson Locomotive Society (SLS), the Locomotive Club of Great Britain (LCGB) and the Railway Correspondence & Travel Society organised many special trains and tours. These often visited lines that had just closed to passenger traffic or were due to close. This set will allow you with modellers’ license to recreate such a tour on your own railway.

The Butlin's Express
TT4-BUTLIN A6 pack £3.75
These special trains worked on the Eastern region and provided a direct to the Billy Butlin’s holiday camps during the 1950s and early 1960s. The first style of headboard was the one reading “Butlin’s Express”. The circular boards were used on the Liverpool Street to Clacton trains. The type 3 boards (narrow ones) were used later particularly after the introduction of diesels for the services.

RCTS Specials
TT4-RCTS A6 pack £3.75
During the 1950s and 60s, the Railway Correspondence & Travel Society organised many special trains and tours. These often visited lines that had just closed to passenger traffic or were due to close. This set will allow you with modellers’ license to recreate such a tour on your own railway. Includes scale eleven and eight feet carriage boards.

SLS Specials
TT4-SLS A6 pack £3.75
Like the RCTS, throughout the 1950s/60s, the Stephenson Locomotive visited lines that had just closed to passenger traffic or were due to close with vintage or specially turned out locomotives. This set will allow you with modellers’ license to recreate such a tour on your own railway. Includes scale eleven and eight feet carriage boards.

Blackpool Excursions
ET4-BLACK A5 pack £4.50
Pack includes many boards suitable for excursions to Blackpool. Special workings from Manchester, Glasgow, Northampton, London, Bradford, Leicester, Blackburn, Nottingham and some mill towns in the north west. Includes "Illuminations Special".

Scarborough Excursions
ET4-SCAR A5 pack £4.50
Excursion trains to Scarborough from King's Cross, Liverpool, Hull, Newcastle, Leeds, Bradford, Nottingham, Dewsbury, Birmingham, Manchester and Sheffield

Llandudno Excursions
ET4-LLAND A5 pack £4.50
Special excursion workings to the North Wales resort of Llandudno from London, Chester, Manchester, Liverpool, Stockport, Wolverhampton, Nottingham, Birkenhead, Leeds, York and Birmingham.

Morecambe Excursions
ET4-MORE A5 pack £4.50
Special workings from Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, London, Birmingham, Carlisle, Barrow, Blackburn, Huddersfield and Wolverhampton. Includes "Illuminations Special". A popular excursion for North West Sunday School trips.

Skegness & Mablethorpe Excursions
ET4-SKEG A5 pack £4.50
Skegness workings: Nottingham, Liverpool,Sheffield, Leeds, Leicester, Birmingham, King's Cross and York.
Excursion trains to Mablethorpe include York, Bradford, Nottingham and Manchester.

Lake District Excursions
ET4-LAKES A5 pack £4.50
This pack includes excursion trains to Keswick from London, Newcastle, Preston and Manchester. Workings to Windermere include Liverpool, Bradford, Birmingham and Manchester. Set includes Leeds to Windermere (Lakeside) and the Lake Windermere Cruise from Morecambe. The Keswick Convention Special is also represented.

Bridlington Excursions
ET4-BRID A5 pack £4.50
Excursion trains to the East Coast resort of Bridlington from King's Cross, Newcastle, Manchester, Bradford, Sheffield, Wolverhampton, Nottingham, Leeds, Huddersfield, Liverpool, Leicester and Hull.

Southport Excursions
ET4-SOUTH A5 pack £4.50
Excursion trains to Southport from London, Manchester, Sheffield, Bradford, Glasgow, Leicester, Batley & Dewsbury, Leeds, Burnley, Blackburn and Birmingham.