OO gauge 4mm 1/76 Era 3 1923 - 1947
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Size: A6 pack
Customised Station Nameboards
StatName P4 Plain Style

Size: A6 pack
Customised Station Nameboards
StatName O4 Ornate Style

The pack includes approximately 30 signs which should prove adequate for most small and medium stations.
Detail - click on image
These Customised Station Nameboards are printed on high quality photographic card. Sets include scale 15 and 12 feet boards as well as Goods Depot and Signal Box and associated signage. Just contact us via email and we will produce the pack to the name of your choice.The pack includes approximately 30 signs which should prove adequate for most small and medium sized stations.

Rusted Enamel Signs Pack 1
Size: A6 pack
Old enamel signs that once were once a common sight advertising a range of period products. Many survived until the 1950s/60s.

Rusted Enamel Signs Pack 2
Size: A6 pack
The second pack of old enamel signs that once were once a common sight advertising a range of period products.

Rusted Enamel Signs Pack 3
Size: A6 pack
Old enamel signs - the third pack. Like the other packs these are all produced from original photographs.
Combination Saver
On-line exclusive - Buy all three packs together and save over 15%.
Enamel Signs
Combination Pack
Comb RES £8.80

Factory & Industry Signage Pack 1
A4 Pack £3.95
Two useful packs with a wide range of signs for the industrial and lineside environment. Pack includes business names together with general signage appropriate to the industrial setting.

Factory & Industry Signage Pack 2
A4 Pack £3.95
The second pack of Industry and factory signage. Pack includes signs for a brewery, confectionery works,pipe manufacturers, Pickles & Sauces factory and many more.

Railway Company Warehouse and Brick Wall Signage
Printed on quality paper, these A4 packs contain a selection of faded (‘Ghost’) signs for the four grouping railway companies.These signs painted on walls were often to be found on the side of large goods warehouses and depots. These remained for a long time and could be clearly seen during the British Railways period. Some are still to be found in urban environments throughout the UK. To help you determine scale of these signs: The size of the largest panel on the GWR sheet "Great Western Railway Goods Station and Offices" (top left) measures 10 cm across by nearly 7cm deep. Ideal for detailing card building kits and scratch building projects

Brick Wall Signs LMS
A4 Pack £3.75

Brick Wall Signs LNER
A4 Pack £3.75

Brick Wall Signs GWR
A4 Pack £3.75

Brick Wall Signs SR
A4 Pack £3.75

Public House Signs
Size: A5 pack
Typical of many to be found throughout the UK. Appropriate for period and modern layouts / dioramas. Includes a wide range of signage to give your model pub authenticity.

Street Name Signs
Size: A6 pack