OO gauge 4mm 1/76 Eras 2 1870s - 1922
Click on pictures for larger view of packs

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Brick Wall Advertisements Pack 1
A4 Pack £3.95
Printed on quality card, this selection of faded (‘Ghost’) advertisements painted on walls are still to be found in urban environments throughout the UK. Ideal for detailing card building kits and scratch building.

The Brick wall Faded or 'Ghost' Advertising signs are primarily designed to be used with card kits such as those in the Metcalfe and Superquick ranges. However with care they can also be used on models made of other materials. Illustrated here is an excellent model constructed by Richard Williams from a Townstreet resin kit using one of these faded advertisement signs. Detail - click on image

Stone Wall Advertisements Pack 1
A4 Pack £3.95
The same designs as those in the first pack of brick wall advertisements except these are painted on a stone background.

Brick Wall Advertisements Pack 2
A4 Pack £3.95
The second pack of faded brick wall advertisements. Ideal for detailing card building kits and scratch building projects.

Stone Wall Advertisements Pack 2
A4 Pack £3.95
Printed on quality card, this selection of faded (‘Ghost’) advertisements painted on stone walls are still to be found in urban environments throughout the UK.

Street Name Signs
SN4 £3.49
Size: A6 pack
This pack contains street and road name signage covering the most popular street names in the UK. Pack also includes hydrant signs.
We have produced ghost signs for over ten years as part of our range and have often been asked if we can offer more and some customised items. So, we have put together a larger collection of packs. These customised versions as well as stock items can be viewed by clicking the sign above.

Factory & Industry Signage Pack 1
A4 Pack £3.95
Two useful packs with a wide range of signs for the industrial and lineside environment. Pack includes business names together with general signage appropriate to the industrial setting.

Factory & Industry Signage Pack 2
A4 Pack £3.95
The second pack of Industry and factory signage. Pack includes signs for a brewery, confectionery works,pipe manufacturers, Pickles & Sauces factory and many more.